Online Live Casino Card Counting
If you are playing online and the casino notices your card counting, you will be disconnected from the table with very little fuss. We can reassure you that the players who are indeed winning at Blackjack aren’t doing this by card counting, but rather by making the right decisions and knowing when to hit or stand. Online live casino blackjack card counting - Criteria's of the Best Casinos Online. There are online casinos for Australian players to choose from. The game is played on gaming tables from Regina to Baker Lake. One of the more spectacular new casinos that. Counting on the strategy of counting cards. Card counting is a strategic method of playing blackjack against the casino. Blackjack is indeed a game of strategy. Outside of poker, blackjack might be the most strategic table game in a casino. It involves memory, math, and awareness.
Is it possible to count cards at live dealer online blackjack games from the comforts of your own home? Colin breaks down what is needed to effectively use c. ♠♦♣♥ Play Live Blackjack 18+ Please Gamb.

I had no idea that live blackjack online tables feature a “shoe” and not an automatic shuffle machine! I noticed it today when I checked my balance of my (almost forgotten) account at an online bookmaker that advertised their live casino games in their home page. I thought that maybe skillful gamblers can make money by card counting at these games, so I joined and tried my “luck”. The short answer is that card counters may be able to make money in the long run playing live blackjack online, but due to the slow speed of the games and the very bad penetration, they should better look for better investments elsewhere.
At first it was a pleasant surprise to find out that I could once again practice my card counting skills! It has been 10 years since the last time I visited a real casino and counted cards (read some stories about my blackjack career). Fortunately I still remembered the basic strategy and the Hi-Lo counting system, although I seem to have forgotten all the variations according to the true count. Anyway, long story short, I decided to sit down at one of those live blackjack tables, while I would be searching online for other card counters’ opinions related to these games.
It turns out that most of them complain about the speed of the games. True, just 20 hands had been dealt during the hour I spent playing live blackjack online. What is even worse is the fact that the 7-seat tables are usually full, even the ones of high stakes (50 euros minimum!). That really slows the game down.
Another discouraging fact is that players are only allowed to bet on their own hand or spot. At real casinos card counters usually bet the minimum on their hand when the odds are against them and place more bets (bigger as well) on other people’s hands when they have an edge versus the casino. In order to make money at blackjack, we need to increase our betting substantially when the “true count” number is more than two. At live blackjack online tables I wasn’t able to place bets to hands dealt next to me, or open another spot (or “box”).
To get you an idea, I would very much like to bet 5 euros per round when the casino’s edge is 0.5% against me (costing me about 2.5 cents per hand) and bet 50 euros at 3 different spots (for a total of 150 euros) when my edge is 0.5% against the casino (winning 75 cents per round). If the true count reached over 4 (more than 1% edge versus the casino), I would be willing to risk 300 euros on a single round for a nice 3-5 euros net profit in the long run!

True count is the number card counters calculate when they divide the “running count” by the number of the remaining decks. For example, if the running count is +8 and there are 4 decks still in the shoe, the true count is +2. Card counters use that number to decide how much money they would bet and whether they need to change the basic strategy. Hitting or standing on 16 against the dealer’s Ten is one of the changes that comes to mind.
Therefore, one of the most important parts of the game is knowing how many decks there are on the blackjack table. I estimated that it must have been 6 decks of cards at the table I was playing at. What’s even more important though is where the dealer places the cut card, which will signal the end of dealing the “shoe”. If they place the cut card towards the bottom of the shoe allowing 5 decks of cards to be dealt, the penetration is 16.6% (1/6) and is considered a favorable situation for the players. Depending on the penetration, the players’ edge vary accordingly.
Penetration is important because if the running count is, say 12 and the cut card is about to be dealt before the last remaining deck, we know that there are a lot of high-value cards (tens, kings, aces, etc.) in the remaining 52 cards. On the other hand, if the cut card is placed at the last 2 remaining decks, the high-value cards are scattered over 104 cards. For all we know, they can all be found at the last deck!
It turns out that when I compared casinos, most online casinos set the penetration of their live blackjack games at 50%! That means 3 decks of cards won’t be dealt out of 6! If the decks were 8, four decks wouldn’t be dealt! That is a very big disadvantage and combined with the slow speed of the games, it made me stand up and leave the table. Not before though I was dealt three 7’s!
The odds of that happening is 0.04%! Once upon a time when I was playing blackjack at brick and mortar casinos, I was dealt that very same hand twice the same night! The casino was offering a bottle of wine to any player hitting three 7’s, so I and my friend certainly didn’t leave the blackjack room empty-handed!
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Card counting is one of the ways that players can reduce the house edge while playing blackjack at land-based casinos. However, due to the fact almost all land based casino are closed because if covid-19, many have resorted to playing their favorite gambling games at online casinos. This has led many to ask if card counting is also possible in online blackjack.
There are a lot of responses out there. However, as the leading online casino guide in Australia, we will dish out a few secrets. And among those secrets is the mystery of whether card counting in online casinos is possible.
What is Card Counting?
For the benefit of those who are new to gambling in general, we will first define card counting. Card counting is literally what it sounds like, counting cards. This is used by players to determine which card comes next as such, allowing them to make a bet in their favor. This is usually done in blackjack. However, it is frowned upon by many land-based, this s regardless of the fact that it is a perfectly legal strategy. And when mastered you can walk away with millions while playing blackjack. That is why many want to know if card counting in online casinos is also possible.
Is Card Counting in Online Casinos Possible?
Well, before we answer that question, we look at few things that online casino do to prevent card counting. Thereafter, we will tell you if it is possible to count cards in online casinos or not.
Measures in Place
As we said earlier card counting is not exactly legal and most land-based casinos want to do all that they can to avoid it from happening. When it comes to live blackjack, it is very easy to tell if a player is card counting. And when they find out that you are counting cards, they can ban from that game and casino as a whole.
To make sure that they kill any of your efforts at card counting, there is continuous shuffling in place. With this continuous shuffling, they then add brunt cards into the pack. This will thwart any efforts that you have at card counting at online and love blackjack.
The Cut
When the cards are shuffled, they will then be put back in place. The shuffler will then put the cut card wherever the choose. However, if in live dealer blackjack, they think that there any who are card counting, they will then ask the shuffler to put the card earlier in the shoe.
In order to get away with card counting n an 8-deck shoe, this is typical shoe size while playing online blackjack. You will need to be able to get away with put at least 6 or 7 decks at card counting. However, if they cut the cut the deck and put it before 6 decks are played this will disturb your count. And as result will result in you not being able to count cards.
Wrapping it all up, we are sure that you want to know if you can count cards in online blackjack. Well, as you can tell with all the measures that are put in place, it is impossible to count cards in an online casino. They make sure that if you are winning you win in other ways other than card counting. This however, should not stop you from enjoying real money online casino games. Just because you can count cards doesn’t mean that you will not be able to win.
Card Counting In Online Casinos FAQs
Online Live Casino Card Counting Games