Sick Poker Calls

Employees get sick – it’s a fact of life. But what do you do when your employees are calling in sick too much at work?

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Your employees are human beings – susceptible to germs, viruses and nasty infections. Every now and then, one of your employees will call in with a croaky voice and let you know that they just can’t make it in to work that day.

But what if it starts happening all the time?


What should you do if you notice an employee taking far more sick leave than most other employees? What if the amount of time they spend off work is affecting their performance – and holding back the rest of the team?

If your employee is calling in sick too much at work, this is a tricky situation to deal with. There’s the suspicion that the employee may be exaggerating their illness in order to spend Friday at the beach, or nurse a hangover on Monday to recover from a big weekend.

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If the illness is real – this can be a difficult obstacle as well. How will their ongoing health concerns affect their work and how can they manage them?

Employee Calling in Sick Too Much at Work?

Wondering what to say when employees call in sick all the time? If you are experiencing this problem, here are the steps to follow:

Check Your Records

Take a closer look at your timekeeping records so that you can see the employee’s absences over time. Do they tend to follow a pattern? Does the employee tend to always take sick leave on Fridays or Mondays – or the days surrounding a holiday?

Ask What’s Wrong

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If a member of your team is calling in sick excessively, the first step is to figure out what’s behind their behavior. Do they have a serious health issue that is causing them to miss work? Is there something stressful going on in their life that they are struggling to deal with?

If you’ve established a positive work culture where your employees feel like they can be open with you, this conversation will be a lot less awkward.

Offer Your Support

If the employee has a genuine health concern that they need help with, ask them if they are okay. Would they like to be assessed by the company doctor? Is there anyway the company can support or help them? The employee is under no obligation to disclose anything personal to you, but this discussion might help to clarify the situation.

Explain the Situation

Next, you can explain in a compassionate and sensitive way that, although you understand they are sick, their days off are having a negative impact on the rest of the team. Other employees have to pick up extra work when they are gone, and projects may be delayed.

The employee might tell you about a personal health issue they are dealing with. That allows you to understand the situation better and possibly figure out how you can help them. You can let them know that you don’t want to discourage them from taking sick leave when they really need it. However, you also need them to be reliably at work so the team can function.

Or, if the excess sick days have been less than genuine, the employee will realize that you have noticed and that you no longer tolerate their behavior. They will decide to either improve their attendance, or leave the job.

Should You Fire an Employee Who Is Calling In Sick Too Much At Work?

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In a healthy company culture, employees should know that they can call in sick without worrying about getting fired. The vast majority of employees will never abuse this policy – it will only be a small handful who try to take advantage of it.

That said, if you feel that your employee is taking excessive time off and it is having a serious negative effect on the company, should you terminate them?

If you are an employer in an “at will” employment state, that means that you are legally free to fire an employee at any time without explanation. So, if you feel that your employee is calling in sick too much at work, in some states you can simply let them go.

However, there are some important exceptions to this. It’s important to understand whether or not the sick leave the employee is taking is covered by employment law.

Employees with well-documented disabilities may be protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) from being fired due to an illness related to their disability. However, if the employee needs expanded sick leave through ADA, they need to discuss the issue with you first.

Employees are entitled to up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12 month period under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This covers situations including serious medical conditions, pregnancy and care of a newborn, caring for a family member with a health problem or the arrangement of adoptions.

Also, if the employee is suffering from a work-related illness or injury, Workers’ Compensation Lawsdictate that as the employer you must pay for their treatment and give them time off to recover.

Employee Rights: Establish Your Policy for Calling in Sick

Individual employers will have their own policies about sick leave. However, your company might choose to offer more generous leave than the law requires. It’s up to you, the employer, to decide. Review your policies to understand what type of precedent you may have set for your employees in the past.

In your sick leave policy, you might require your employees to let you know about sick leave by a certain time of the day – so that you can made any necessary adjustments. Also, the policy can include whether or not a doctor’s note is required. Your policy should specify that sick leave is for when the employee cannot work due to an illness or injury. It’s not for when they need a routine checkup or medical appointment.

It’s also important to consider whether or not your paid time off policy separates sick time from vacation time. If it doesn’t, that might encourage the use of paid sick time when employees are not sick. After all, they might feel like they are “due” those sick days and they may as well use them. This can lead to employees calling in sick too much at work, so it’s important to keep this in mind when creating your policy.

P.S. Did you know that Boomr has a time off tracking feature? Check it out!